Saturday, February 9, 2013

I Hate That Y'all

I attended The Leader In Me Symposium today.  Ron Clark was the afternoon Keynote Speaker.  The information he delivered was inspirational.  In addition, he is one fantastic public speaker.  Two hours flew by and I was waiting for more. 
Ron talked about various issues educators deal with today.  One particular point he made was about rewarding students.  Many times, educators are encouraged to reward the average to entice the below average.  Ron doesn't agree.  He told the story of baking cookies for his class. The first time he baked a batch of cookies, he passed them out to those students who worked really hard during the previous week.  Keep in mind that Ron told the class that he would do this.  While walking around passing out cookies, he skipped a girl on purpose.  He simply told her that she hadn't tried hard enough that week and expected more from her.  As all the other students enjoyed their delicious cookie, the girl who didn't try hard enough sat salivating.  Disappointment was written all over her face.  The next morning, Ron was called to the Principal's office.  The girl's mother was livid and discussing her disgust with the principal.  Ron said the mother ranted and raved on and on about how he was picking on her daughter.  He explained that he knew she could do better, but the mother wouldn't hear of it.  Finally, the principal spoke up and told the mother that she supported Mr. Clark in his decision.  Ron stated that the mom left extremely upset.  During the week, however, the girl who hadn't tried hard enough became a model student.  She sat up in class, responded to questions promptly, and appeared to enjoy each class.  At the end of the week, Ron again baked cookies for the students who worked hard.  This time the girl received a cookie.
Ron explained how we too many times coddle children and provide them with lowered expectations.  We give every child on a ball team a trophy.  We allow all students to receive an award at Award's Day.  Ron said, "I hate that y'all."  He went on to explain that our acceptance of average will eventually lead to an average nation.  I agree.  We can't afford to allow this practice to continue.  Reward great.  Punish bad.  Do neither for average.

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