Saturday, February 23, 2013


The other day I was complimented on my recent blog posts.  One person asked where I found the time to write.  I explained that I purposed my time to do so.

I recently attended a professional development session with Dr. Jan Harris.  Dr. Harris is Superintendent for Cullman City Schools.  She is a devoted educator and gifted speaker.  During the session, she gave an overview of her book The Principal's Office, A Primer for Balanced Leadership.  In her book, Dr. Harris explains how we should develop balance in four areas of our life. Her advice applies to everyone, leader or not.

The lessons I've learned from Dr. Harris have allowed me to live with a little less stress in my life.  When I purpose my time, I don't let one area of my life take too much away from another.  What I found as I began to purpose time is that I had been giving too much time to personal laziness while trying to call it "family time."  Another truth discovered is that each of us have different lives that we lead.  I have a busy life with two children involved in sports activities.  Someone else may have small children or aging parents that require attention.  However, we must purpose the time we have in order to accomplish all we want with little stress.

Recently, The Karate Kid (1984) has been on TV.  My son was watching a few days ago and asked me to join him. The karate teacher, Mr. Miyagi, teaches karate in a most unconventional method.  While learning karate, Daniel learns lessons about life.  In my opinion, the most important lesson taught was about balance.  Mr. Miyagi said, "Better learn balance. Balance is key. Balance good, karate good. Everything good. Balance bad, better pack up go home. Understand?  Lesson not just karate only. Lesson for whole life. Whole life have a balance. Everything be better. Understand?"

What's tipping your scale?

Monday, February 18, 2013

POTUS Inspiration

In honor of Presidents' Day, I took some time to read through some famous quotes from Presidents.

"I have had many troubles in my life, but the worst of them never came."  - James Garfield

How many times does this happen to us?  We stress over some situation and it is never as bad as we pictured in our mind.  Usually, we've taken all precautions to prevent bad situations anyway.  Whatever your next stressful, dreaded situation may be, remember that it probably won't be bad after all.

"You ain't learnin' nothin' when you're talkin'." - Lyndon Johnson

You know that person. You may know more than one of them. Someone who is always talking like he/she knows everything. In reality, they are like Johnson says in the quote above. Most of the time this person either is covering up for lack of knowledge or just has a lack of etiquette.  I sometimes have a habit of being too eager to speak what I know.  Let's challenge ourselves to learn more from others before we blab on and on.  Covey says it like this, "Seek first to understand, then be understood."

"We need a spirit of community, a sense that we are all in this together. If we have no sense of community, the American dream will wither." - William "Bill" Clinton

Face it, we can't survive alone.  We need others to help us achieve.  All of us are dependent on others to function in life.  My goal is to contribute more to my school community.  I cannot stand the thought of our community withering.  This is also stated in a different way by Covey.  He calls it synergizing.  How will you synergize today so your community won't wither?

Read more: Presidential Quotes —

Monday, February 11, 2013

Frank Buck's Tickler File System

If everything Frank Buck does is as good as his tickler file system then we should all buy his book Get Organized! I've been using the file system in whole for about 3 weeks.  It has changed my work habits tremendously.  At the beginning and end of each day my desk is clear.  By the way, a clear desk help keep a clear mind.

You may think "Sure, he doesn't have much to do then."  I would vehemently disagree.  I have plenty to do.  I've just followed the file system and voila, a clear desk.

I recently attended an Assistant Principal's Conference presented by CLAS.  I learned much during the two day conference.  One of the break out sessions was offered by Frank Buck.  During the session, he described his system in detail (along with other valuable bits of advice).  Here's how it works.

Empty two file drawers (mine are on the left and right side of my desk).  Place hanging file folders in each.  On one side label the file folders with letters of the alphabet.  In this file drawer, place folders of all the tasks you do (textbooks, technology inventory, assessment, etc.) in the corresponding letter.  Anytime you need to review the information, you can easily find the folder and information.  This file drawer helps keep up with those tasks that are woven throughout the school year.

In the other file drawer, label the hanging files folders with each month of the year.  The month you are in should be in front.  Additionally, you will use 31 manila folders labeled 1 through 31.  Place those in the current month file folder.  If you are currently past the first day of the month, the current day should be in front (example: today is February 11 so this morning the folder 11 was in front).

Then sit at your desk and begin picking up the papers from your desk.  Once you determine the due date, task begin date, or alphabetical category, begin filing.  Within 10 to 20 minutes, your desk will be clear.  It couldn't be easier.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Power of the Positive

What drives us to do things?  All of us have some motivating factor that makes us function.  In every situation, we do because of some motivator.  Fear, embarrassment, pride, and success can all be motivating factors.
Throughout my tenure as an educator, I've heard on numerous occasions about the power of positive praise. Yet, how much positive praise do educators practice on a regular basis.  I realize for some, it is a daily habit to tell students how well they are doing something or how impressive their attitude has been.  But for others, praise is almost non-existent.  Think about which works best for you.
I've tried using positive praise with those around me.  If nothing else, it sure makes me feel better.  I'd much rather be telling someone how great of a job they are doing than pointing out the simplest error.  That only stresses both of us. Legendary basketball coach, John Wooden, said he'd rather lead with a banner out front than from behind with a whip.

How many times each day are you positive?  I try to remember to be positive, but I sometimes fail.  I've even chosen everyday things to serve as little reminders to stay positive.  Kindergarten students are almost always positive.  Certain parents in the afternoon Car Rider Line are always positive.  Hallway displays and classroom displays generally reflect the positive.  If I forget, these little reminders keep me focused.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I Hate That Y'all

I attended The Leader In Me Symposium today.  Ron Clark was the afternoon Keynote Speaker.  The information he delivered was inspirational.  In addition, he is one fantastic public speaker.  Two hours flew by and I was waiting for more. 
Ron talked about various issues educators deal with today.  One particular point he made was about rewarding students.  Many times, educators are encouraged to reward the average to entice the below average.  Ron doesn't agree.  He told the story of baking cookies for his class. The first time he baked a batch of cookies, he passed them out to those students who worked really hard during the previous week.  Keep in mind that Ron told the class that he would do this.  While walking around passing out cookies, he skipped a girl on purpose.  He simply told her that she hadn't tried hard enough that week and expected more from her.  As all the other students enjoyed their delicious cookie, the girl who didn't try hard enough sat salivating.  Disappointment was written all over her face.  The next morning, Ron was called to the Principal's office.  The girl's mother was livid and discussing her disgust with the principal.  Ron said the mother ranted and raved on and on about how he was picking on her daughter.  He explained that he knew she could do better, but the mother wouldn't hear of it.  Finally, the principal spoke up and told the mother that she supported Mr. Clark in his decision.  Ron stated that the mom left extremely upset.  During the week, however, the girl who hadn't tried hard enough became a model student.  She sat up in class, responded to questions promptly, and appeared to enjoy each class.  At the end of the week, Ron again baked cookies for the students who worked hard.  This time the girl received a cookie.
Ron explained how we too many times coddle children and provide them with lowered expectations.  We give every child on a ball team a trophy.  We allow all students to receive an award at Award's Day.  Ron said, "I hate that y'all."  He went on to explain that our acceptance of average will eventually lead to an average nation.  I agree.  We can't afford to allow this practice to continue.  Reward great.  Punish bad.  Do neither for average.