Thursday, March 21, 2013

You can do it, we can help

It doesn't take a sensitive nose to smell the plants and trees that are currently in bloom.  Some have a great scent while others can curl your nose hairs.  Along with nature's signs of Spring, more pedestrians fill neighborhood streets and country roads.  It seems as if we are all coming out of hibernation.  It is a most wonderful time of year!
Many individuals, like myself, begin thinking of the next home improvement project.  My sights are on building a pergola.  I started with scanning the internet for examples to find the style I like.  Next, I research how to construct a pergola or arbor.  This process usually takes a person like myself a few months so I can be sure I want to do things the right way.  It is a different story when construction begins though.  I have my mind set on project completion.  This can sometimes be great because the task is completed in a timely manner.  Other times it can be a bad thing due to mistakes and causes me to start over for correction.
We can apply the same strategies to our professional development (PD).  Whether the PD is self-driven or suggested by another, the objective is improvement.  The old days had professionals attending workshops, seminars, and continuing education courses for this kind of improvement.  We've grown so much since then.  Today, we can simply open our favorite Social Media App to "research" the How-To's of whatever area we are trying to improve.  Once we find a plethora of options or suggestions, we determine the best way to move forward.  As we plan and implement next steps, we need to remember to proceed with caution.  Like the home improvement project, sometimes too fast isn't always a good thing.  At the end of the day when considering improvement, remember the slogan (adjusted) - "You can do it, someone can help."

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